type of service tool motors

Service tools or hand tools is a complete tool which is very important in the servicing and repair of motor, 
tools, hand tools are commonly used in the servicing and repair of motor how many kinds and can be grouped according the type name and function.

some types of hand tools commonly used, namely;

  • key, 
  • screwdriver, 
  • pliers, 
  • hammer, 
  • soldering tool.

the main equipment often used in handling the servicing and repair of motor bike. The type of lock as there is a profusion of hand tools and models and is divided into six types, namely; wrench, ring, combination lock, lock sock, L hexagon key, lock Britons 

Here are six types and kinds of keys or hand tools commonly in use in the servicing of motorcycles

This tool serves to relax (release) and hardened nuts and bolts. amount these tools in one set, very varied and its use in servicing workshop is very dependent on the type of work,

sizes commonly in use: 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 14-17, and 17-19 (mm), the length of the rod wrench adjusted to the size of the mouth of a key itself. The greater the size of the wrench too long then the trunk. Conversely the smaller the size of the wrench is then also shorter stem.

Basically key ring function together with a spanner. however, the key ring has the advantages that it can hold a nut or bolt on all sides of the hexagon so much stronger.and this key can be used for a specific job which can not be done by the wrench. 

This tool functions together with a spanner and a key ring. and works in the same object with the object of work wrench and key ring, because this tool is a combination wrench and a key ring. 

these tools generally have a function or the equivalent value of the keys in advance.However the specifically this tool has the advantage that it can be used to harden / tighten nuts and bolts with the moment or minimally.

Special designed hexagon key L-shaped '' L '' and serve to open and install the screw Hexagon head.


This tool is specially designed can be adjusted. enlarged or minimized as needed. wrench or Sempana size from large, medium and small. some examples of hand tools should be available to perform repairs or servicing motors.

screwdriver is also a major hand tools in dealing with servicing and repair of motor bike. screwdriver can basically be divided into small, medium and large, but by its use in general screwdriver can be grouped into three, namely: a Phillips screwdriver (+), minus screwdriver (-), and the word of a screwdriver. This tool is designed to loosen (release) and tighten (install) bolts and screws.

by function and shape, the screwdriver can be divided into four kinds, namely:

  • stem diameter ordinary screwdriver with short size varies. This screwdriver is used to set the mixture on a carburetor type seport. 
  • screwdriver diameter rods, but long. This screwdriver is used to adjust the fuel mixture in the carburetor types cub or duck. 
  • ''T'' long screwdriver, for special jobs that can not be done with the kind of screwdriver above, it has been designed ''T'' long screwdriver (+) and (-), as well as a great long screwdriver (-). which serves to open and attach the magnet. 
  • knock the screwdriver, the tool is designed well, serves to open and turned the screws and bolts that require firmness moments or big enough or strong bond.and usually workmanship with ordinary screwdriver can not be done, then to knock the screwdriver can certainly be done. 
The screwdriver also necessary care, general nurse screwdriver as follows 
  • The use of a screwdriver should fit the size of the mouth of the bolt head screws.
  • It is not justified to hit the handle or shaft of the screwdriver with a hammer, screwdriver exception of word.
  • It is not justified to use a screwdriver that is not in accordance with its function, for example use screwdriver to chisel, gouging and prop up other objects. And not recommended hone eye screwdriver.

Tang usually be used on repair and service of motorcycles, for various jobs such as cutting, bending and holding. pliers are designed with a variety of shapes and sizes, kinds of pliers, namely;

  • cutting pliers,
  • long nose pliers, 
  • cirklip pliers, 
  • Cable pliers, 
  • vice grip.

cutting pliers function for cutting the workpiece. These pliers generally have a certain ratio between handle and and end pieces. The ratio is determined by the length of the distance from the hinge kelengan the handle and the mouth piece.

example ; long distance from the hinge to handle = 100mm, and the long distance to the mouth piece = 10mm. comparison of the two arms = 10: 1. This means that the force on the handle will be magnified 10 times on the mouth piece. so if the handle was given force of 500 N (50kp), then the style of cut on the arm mouth pieces into 5000N (500kp).

pliers specifically designed as a holder of the components are very small on a narrow, usually called '' long nose plier '' . No long nose plier-shaped mouth flattened , those that shaped round . and on the mouth there is a form straight and there is a form bent.

pliers of this type usually used to remove and install cirklip, pliers is made ​​in two forms namely; cirklip pliers -shaped internal and shaped external . internal cirklip tang serves to remove and install internal cirklip. While cirklip external pliers used to remove and install external cirklip.

This tool is designed to cut and peel the cable and install lug, with various kinds of cable sizes according to the needs. Pliers type is widely used at the time of servicing the electrical parts of the motorcycle.

This tool is specially designed and generally can be tuned, which is enlarged or minimized, this tool serves to hold or detain the workpiece or component, so that it becomes one with the other components.

Tang also generally need to be treated properly in order not quickly broken. The things that need attention care of pliers,

  • redeeming pliers according to function. 
  • When finished wearing wipe with a cloth or oil. 
  • Not allowed to handle pliers hit with a hammer or other object when used, is not justified grinding eyes or mouth tip pliers.

hammer is a kind of hand tools are also often used in the servicing and repair of motorcycles.And the hammer is designed in four types: a rubber mallet, plastic mallet, hammer hammer copper and iron.

Generally hammer is used to hit and to aid in the completion of a work of repair and service, but specifically in every type of hammer its use varies.

  • Rubber mallet, hammer type this point for hitting objects of type soft and hard, without damaging the components are beaten.
  • plastic hammer, hammer this type of role is the same with a rubber mallet, and without damaging the workpiece being hit.
  • Copper hammer, hammer types of copper in use for hitting objects made of hard steel and without damaging the component being hit.
  • Iron hammer, serves for hitting objects of material logan hard assisted by an intermediary.
Care hammer in general,
  • not justified hone hammer head surface, unless there is an abnormality or damage to the head of the hammer itself. 
  • Not the recommended use the handle of a hammer to gouging, supporting other objects except for hitting.
Use a hammer to hit and try to collide fields on the surface of the workpiece and the head of the hammer striking in the center, not the edges.

In the soldering process requires heat at the tip of the solder, so that the tin solder can melt and fill the parts to be soldered. The heat can be generated from the embers of an open fire or an electric current. The tip of the solder generally made of copper.

Always check the cable connecting the electric current not to get lost, or damaged cables pembukus. Perform a reconciliation when there is damage and the use of solder in accordance with its function.

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