motorcycle compression test

Examination of the compression pressure on a motorcycle engine is very important to do, to determine the compression pressure of the engine.
Because the results of the compression pressure is a top priority to determine the next steps in improving form it conditions the machine through its paces engine tune-up.

Disorder that occurs in the compression pressure.

In the examination of the compression pressure on motorcycle engines, inspection can be seen in two categories, namely kopresi under standard pressure and pressure komresi above the standard.

if the compression pressure below standard and the things that have to happen: 

1. The occurrence of disorder in the valve mechanism (valve).Possible penyebababnya
Distance tenuous valve is too tight. 
  • Leaf rag or grepes valve. 
  • Mounting valve worn or uneven. 
  • Orderly system valve (valve timing) is not correct. 
  • Per the valve broke. 
2. There was an interruption in the cylinder head. 
  • Gaskets leaking. 
  • The surface of the cylinder head cracks. 
3. There was an interruption in the cylinder and piston. 
  • Piston and batten wear out. 
  • The piston and cylinder wall wear or scratches. 
  • Piston ring on the ring gro concerns. 
If the compression pressure is above average or above the standard, things that might happen. 
  • This is the result of the deposition of coke (carbon) is excessive at the head of the piston and combustion chamber. 
  • Gaskets or paken that does not comply with the standards 

The tools used to test the compression pressure is kompresion gauge (compression meter)

How to check the compression pressure.
  • Pananaskan first engine to reach normal operating temperature. 
  • Turn the machine off, then open the spark plug. 
  • Input compression gauges, namely COMPRESSION TESTER in spark plug hole. 
  • Turn the gas full rotation position, and the position of the open chuck. 
  • Engkok machine repeatedly until the clock on the compression tester does not move anymore. 
SIZE STANDARD: 10-13kg / cm2. Approximately 1kg / cm2. 

Things that must be considered 
If you try to use electric starter battery in tip top condition, and for the length of time pressing the starter to not more than 7s or seconds. 

For the new motorcycle when at the time of inspection it turns compression standard under pressure then the steps that must be done is as follows: -enter few cc of engine oil into the cylinder through the spark plug hole. Then reattach compression meter, and re-do pengenkolan disposable kick starter. And if the position Jarud compression meter indicates: a great value from the previous needle, then check the condition of piston rings and cylinder walls. And if the value is lower than its original position, then check the parts of: - the valve, the valve seat and the cylinder head. 
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